New way of learning


The graduates in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation of

Mondragon Unibertsitatea are qualified to lead the creation of new

companies and/or new businesses inside of enterprises.

In order to achieve these competencies, the students will be

Learning By Doing, working in self managed teams and set up a

real company since the beginning of their studies doing projects

for real clients.

The Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation is designed

for people that naturally tend to work in teams and are interested

in getting to know new cultures, experiment new methodologies

and travel abroad.

The Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innova-

tion is focused on the development of the skills and

competencies, rather than in the acquirement of the

contents. The following elements are key principles

of the degree:


The roots of LEINN are in the learning methods Team Academy Fin-

land has been developing for more than 15 years. The methods

consist on a responsible autonomy and creativity, dialogue, entre-

preneurial teams, sense of community…


All the students of LEINN will make an outpost

of two months in Team Academy Finland during the

first academic year. Besides, they will make a lear-

ning journey to the USA during the second year and

at least one stay in an emerging country (China, In-

dia, Brazil, Mexico…) during the third year.


The concept of the professor changes radically. Team coach is working through guiding, consulting,

asking questions and advising the team companies. The role of a

coach is close to the concept of a sport team coach.


The students (teampreneurs) are the key players to

set up their own team company. The task of the coach is to support

this process, not to lead it.


A similar kind of passion that is experienced in sport teams or cultural groups, is taken into the

entrepreneurial action of the team entrepreneurs.


As a student of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation you

will be part of Mondragon Team Academy and the Internatio-

nal community of Team Academy.  Mondragon Team Academy

(MTA) is the unit of entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Business

Sciences of Modragon Unibertsitatea. Our mission is to crea-

te companies (team cooperatives), learn in teams in order to

change the world and make our dreams come true.  MTA is

nowadays an international team formed by people from MU

and TA Finland.

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